Thursday, March 28, 2013

Meet Leslie

Awwww.... Leslie tries so hard.  He just can't seem to figure out that weird works!  Leslie is the most reason-driven kid in the world.  He thinks he should be the doctor and Howie is just plain ol' lucky.  One way or another, he plans to take Howie down, leave his giraffe scrubs behind, and win Clover's affection.

Leslie Rubenstein is Howie’s logical and rigid nurse, not to mention his archenemy twin brother.  For a 10 year old, he is oddly prudent and uncompromising when it comes to the best way to treat their patients.  In the “real” world, Leslie’s methods would cure these kooky ailments, but he always seems to make matters worse.  Secretly, he wants to be the doctor and believes Howie is skating by on luck.  He tries on Dad’s lab coat when Howie’s not around and continuously comes up with schemes to overthrow Howie and win Clover, the girl of his dreams.

-Always says his name “is for boys too!”
-Despises jokes about his giraffe scrubs.
-Avoids trying Howie’s concoctions at all costs.
-Favorite food is marshmallows.

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